Body Prayer

Body Prayer (using our body movements as or incorporated in prayer)

We begin our pilgrimage with a body prayer. We normally use church that is open to do this prayer. In the cases where there are no open churches along your pilgrimage path, a meadow in a park will do. A body prayer is accomplished by moving your body while you pray. Praying can be spoken out loud or silently in your thoughts. (A few examples can be seen in the photos below.) The length of time spent on each step of body prayer is entirely up to you and your given situation. We often vary these steps too. The body prayer can be done once or repeatedly while on pilgrimage.

1 grosser Henrik


2 herrlicher Henrik

and glorious God

2a Schritt Maren

I come before You. (take a step forward)

3 Gedanken Henrik

My thoughts,

4 Worte Henrik

my words,

5 Gefühle Henrik

my feelings

6 vor dich Maren

I bring to You.

7 Liebe Maren

I receive Your love for me

8 alle anderen Maren

and for those I come in contact with.

9 Amen Maren
